21 May 2014

Nothing to do with boat building!

Wine making!

This is my first ever batch of home made wine. I want to get into making "wild wines", with as much foraged fruits, flowers, leaves that I'll be able to muster. These 6 bottles are filled with nectar!!! Well, filled with wine made from plums. Not wild ones unfortunately, but cultivated plums. Nevertheless, the wine produced, much to my surprise and delight, is very drinkable. It is somewhat sweet, but dry at the same time, slightly fizzy too. I hope it has finished fermenting, otherwise I might get a few explosions...

This is the first lot. It definitely won't be the last. There are plenty of wild plant's flowers, fruits, leaves that can be foraged and used, even in my neck of the wood. At the very least, I am gaining a enjoyable hobby, and eventually won't have to consume all the chemicals used in commercial wines.


  1. Well, you DO need something with which to christen the boat. Better save the wine, though, and get some cheap champagne.

    1. Indeed, Gorges, I will drink this one wine before the boat is ready to be launched!

  2. I haven't made wine in years . . . and I want to. I miss it.

  3. I think it's great fun, and you get a worthwhile result, out of what is very little actual work! And no chemicals.

  4. I am now making my third run of birch sap wine / root beer, and I think it´s rewarding to do, too!;-)*hicks* Cheers to you!;-)
