Obviously Mr Noble liked my knife enough to get some copies made, and although they are not on sale yet on his website, there are some very nice pictures of the copies on his blog Owning your own wood
I'd like to say thanks to Mr Noble for paying me the compliment of copying my work and showing the copies on his blog.
Mr Noble has developed an enviable international reputation and is very well known as a knife maker and seller on numerous knifeforums, as well as bushcraft forums, for his abilities to discover good designs and incorporating them in his own portfolio of knives and leather work for sale.
So although many might disagree with me, I think I'll take this as a great compliment in my abilities to produce good knife designs.
This first photo is my original design.
This is a photo borrowed from Own your own wood, Mr Noble's blog.
Mr Noble, if you object to my posting your photo on my blog, I'll be happy to remove it forthwith, please just leave a comment for me regarding your objection. Thanks
I don't mind at all. I'm glad you shared it. I remember now, I did buy the knife from you and did use it as the inspiration for the knife on my blog. It's not 100% identical but it is pretty similar and was used as the inspiration for it. I'm glad you don't seem upset I used it to base the knife on. We only made one and another similar one with a curved tip, off of an antler. I liked the basic/simple/rustic style of these - rather than the endless boring Woodlore clones. We sold them both to a guy in the USA who has them in his personal collection now. We might make one or two more one day? Who knows. Glad you aren't upset. Some people get cross with me for doing that kind of thing. It actually isn't my intention. We create our own ideas from scratch too! Thanks for reminding me about where I got the original. Our sheaths weren't as nice and unusual as yours though.
ReplyDeleteJust for the record. My name is Tim, my Brother is Mark and my Son is James. There often seems to be some confusion about what my name is. We are just a small family business - that we run for fun more than any great profit. (I have a day job too!)
You obviously have not picked up the irony in what I have written. Like the other people whose ideas you have taken to use at your advantage to make profit from our ideas, I am not happy about it, I only put in a different, more polite language, probably too polite, it seems.
ReplyDeleteNever mind that's the end of the story as far as I am concerned.
Joel's knife is better. The downward curve of the stag handle contrasts and compliments the upward sweep of the back of the blade. The copy knife doesn't have quite the right lines. The handle curves in the same direction as the blade.
ReplyDeleteQuality and originality versus simple replicating? I'll take the DeLorme knife any day.
ReplyDeleteLMAO,I got the irony of this post Joel and thought it rather funny.
ReplyDeleteI have one of your knives and must say they are excellent and original.
A copy is just that,A copy.
keep up the good work joel as you are a true Artisan.