"Not all those who wander are lost."

J R R Tolkien

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17 January 2011

A bit of forging practice...:-)

I managed to find a little time to squeeze in a bit of forging practice today. I fired the gas forge and, using some bits of mild steel, made these two knives. Being mild steel, they obviously can't be hardened, but they'll make perfect letter openers! They were just fun and relaxing to make, nice things to do to loose yourself in. Number 1 is 7" (175mm) long and number 2, 6 1/2" long (165mm)


  1. Nice ones! They might even serve as cutlery if they are work-hardened enough... you could even carburize them some by dig a hole in the ground, fill a box with charred leather or bamboo coal (could char that yourself) and build a fire with a reducing atmosphere as in making charcoal. Let them rest there for 24 hours. Watch that fire, though!;-) Then you could temper in urine, or quench in water. ;-) Or use spring steel;-).

  2. LOL :-) I think I'll leave them be! And make some more with spring steel. It'll be easier!!

  3. Wasn´t even so much of a joke, mind you *hehe, even tried that out once.;-)

    Did not work, though;-).
