"Not all those who wander are lost."

J R R Tolkien

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21 May 2012

Freeform wood carving knives

The term freeform in this case, refers to the shapes of the handles.  A week or so ago, I was clearing up  a pile of branches trimmed off the hedge last year, and discoverd a good quantity of contorted ivy branches. I picked one up, cleaned what was left of the bark, (a gooey mess) and discovered some very nice spalted wood under it. So, nice shapes, lovely colour once dried and oiled, smooth, strong wood....what's not to like! just what's needed for some small wood carving tools handles. Never thought about Ivy before but I am pleased I decided to clean a bit up, rather than throwing it onto the fire!

I am planning a few more tools, including handling a small Flexcut V blade, as well as a couple of  shallow curved Flexcut blades. I particularly want to make a couple of tight curved spoon knives. In the meanwhile, Here are the first three I have made.All have forged blades, the small detail knife was forged from a old file.


  1. nice work, i really like the wild wood design... and that little crook knife is a beauty! ~rico

    1. Very nice Joel. I particularly like the crooked knife shown in the third pic down. It's even made to fit my hand!

  2. You can be sure that no-one else has any just like them!

  3. I love ´em, for the wild wood says something to me... great ones!
