"Not all those who wander are lost."

J R R Tolkien

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25 May 2012

You're invited to the virtual barbecue...

I am holding the barbecue this evening and you're invited: Rico from the States, Markus, from Germany, Keith from NZ, Keith from Australia, Gorges from the States, Perkele from Sweden...and others whose name escape me after a little wine slightly blurs my memory...

This is the barbecue venue...

Have a glass of wine on me...
The vegetarian option...
The sausages option...

Sorry, I forgot to take the pic of the burgers...must be the wine again!

Cat killing her hot sausage before eating it...

Wouldn't it be great if we could really hold a barbecue? We could have a good chat and plenty of entertaining discussions. Shame we live such long distances apart, gentlemen.

Anyway, have a glass of wine on me!


  1. ok, i'll take a sausage and th' veggie kabobs...thanks for th' invite.... ~rico

  2. sounds like a good time! too bad it's only virtual

    1. Should have said ladies too...shame on me...must be that drop of wine again!

  3. You're invited to mine tonight, here we call it a "braai" (in Afrikaans my mother tongue) or, "shiza nyama", (burn the meat in isiZulu). Here in SA we consider vegetables an insult to a good BBQ.

    1. Thank you Philip. I like "shiza nyama" A very appropriate name indeed!

  4. Opps late again, cheers from me, drinking a nice whisky from an apple wood kuksa. I do not really do wine unless they are home made.

  5. Hi Sean. Too late, grubs gone! Nothing wrong with a good whiskey...home made wine? I wouldn't say no to a good one!

  6. Was being late, as usual, so no sausage, no grubs, no beer:-). So Joel, you´ll have to come over here. I MEAN IT. Drui wants to get to know you in person, too.

    And cheers to all ya others out there! Have a good time!

    ...veggies an insult-that made my day!:-) Great one!
